MeTGAN: Memory efficient Tabular GAN for high cardinality categorical datasets


Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have seen their use for generating synthetic data expand, from unstructured data like images to structured tabular data. One of the recently proposed models in the field of tabular data generation, CTGAN, demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on this task even in the presence of a high class imbalance in categorical columns or multiple modes in continuous columns. Many of the recently proposed methods have also derived ideas from CTGAN. However, training CTGAN requires a high memory footprint while dealing with high cardinality categorical columns in the dataset. In this paper, we propose MeTGAN, a memory-efficient version of CTGAN, which reduces memory usage by roughly 80%, with a minimal effect on performance. MeTGAN uses sparse linear layers to overcome the memory bottlenecks of CTGAN. We compare the performance of MeTGAN with the other models on publicly available datasets. Quality of data generation, memory requirements, and the privacy guarantees of the models are the metrics considered in this study. The goal of this paper is also to draw the attention of the research community on the issue of the computational footprint of tabular data generation methods to enable them on larger datasets especially ones with high cardinality categorical variables.

28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), 2021