AngstromCTF Writeups
These are the writeups to the problems I solved during the AngstromCTF.
1. Waldo1
We are given a zip file — containing flags of countries. The file flag5.png, we see on opening has the flag.
2. Waldo2
In this problem, we are given multiple flag images in a folder. Judging by the problem, it seems that one image is different. We see the md5 hash of the few files which are the same-9f6e902c233020026caf0ebbb1cf0ff5. So we write the following script-
So, the filename we get is waldo339.jpg. Running strings
on the file we get the flag as — actf{r3d_4nd_wh1t3_str1p3s}.
3. That’s not my name
We are given a pdf file — gettysburg.pdf, but on trying to open it, it does not open, giving incorrect file format error. We run binwalk
on the file to see that it infact is a docx
file. We change the extension to .docx
anf on opening we get the flag as — actf{thanks_mr_lincoln_but_who_even_uses_word_anymore}.
4. File Transfer
The highlighted packet shows a JPEG image capture. We export the JPEG as bytes to get the image.
5. GIF
On running binwalk
on the given image, we see that it is infact a collection of many images.
So , we run the command binwalk -D 'png image:png' jiggs.gif.png
. On inspecting the extracted files, we see an image which has the flag.
1. Warmup
From the term fine cipher, we get the hint that it could be an Affine cipher. We use an online Affine cipher solver to get the flag as — actf{it_begins}.
2. Back to Base-ics
We are given the following cipher text -
Now we can easily see that the Part 1 is binary(base 2) and Part 3 is hexadecimal(base 16). On decoding them using any online converter, we get
Part 1: actf{0ne_tw0_f0
Part 3: n_th1rtytw0_s1x
Also judging from the title of the problem, we can say that all the ciphers have the base of some power of two. We guess that Part 2 could be base 8(octal). using an online octal to text converter we get,
Part 2: ur_eight_sixt33
The last one looks like base64. On decrypting, we get
Part 4: tyf0ur_no_m0re}
So, the flag is — actf{0ne_tw0_f0ur_eight_sixt33n_th1rtytw0_s1xtyf0ur_no_m0re}
3. XOR
This looks like a singlebyteXOR problem. We use the following script
On seeing all the plain texts, we get the flag as — actf{hope_you_used_a_script}.
4. Intro to RSA
This is a classical RSA problem, we use the following script to decrypt
So the flag is — actf{rsa_is_reallllly_fun!!!!!!}.
1. Source Me 1
Here, we are presented with a login page. On inspecting the source, we find the password —f7s0jkl, in the comments. ** So, we login with the username as admin
and password as f7s0jkl
This gives us the flag-actf{source_aint_secure}.
2. Get Me
Initially all we have is a button with the message that only authorized users are allowed to pass. On clicking the button, we get the message that we are not authorized. However in the url bar we see that the get parameter is auth=false
. We change it to auth=true
and hit enter.
We then get the flag — actf{why_did_you_get_me}.
3. Sequel
This is a classic case of SQL injection(SQLi). The hint here is the name of the problem which is pronunciation of SQL.
We enter both username and password as 'or''='
This gives us the flag — actf{sql_injection_more_like_prequel_injection}.
4. Source Me 2
We are give another login page. Here, too, the username is admin
. On inspecting the source, we find the script which converts our entered password to md5 and compares it to the hash bdc87b9c894da5168059e00ebffb9077. We use an online md5 decryptor to get the password as password1234
. Entering this gives the flag — actf{md5_hash_browns_and_pasta_sauce}.
5. Madlibs
Here, from the Flask code we see that there is a variable app.secret_key, which is basically a config variable. So we head to Tale of a Person section and enter `` as the Author name and any random strings in the other options.
Here we see the SECRET_KEY variable assigned to the flag, actf{wow_ur_a_jinja_ninja}
1. Rev1
First, we run strings
on the given ELF executable. We see the string, s3cret_pa55word. This could be the secret password the program is looking for. On running the executable and giving the above string as key, we get the flag. This is to be done on the shell server.
2. Rev2
The ELF on executing asks for a number to be guessed. We use radare2 to disassemble the code.
The highlighted hex, 0x11d7 is 4567 in decimal. On entering this, the program now asks us to give two two-digit numbers. We again analyze the disassembled code.
This tells us that the product of the two numbers should be 0xd67 i.e 3431. From this link, we find that the numbers are 47 and 73. We enter them in ascending order, i.e 47 and then 73.
We get the flag as — actf{4567_47_73}.
1. Accumulator
Here the ideas is to keep adding integers to an int
variiable and without explicitly entering negative values, we have to make the result negative. This can be done by integer overflow.
Running these inputs on the shell server will give us the flag.
2. Cookie Jar
This is a buffer overflow problem. Although we never explicitly gave a value to numCookie, we can overflow the buffer so that it gets a value. I fwe the following input — aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa99999998 to the program, we get the flag.
The flag is — actf{eat_cookies_get_buffer}.
3. Number Guess
We take the help of the hint given. The most common vulnerability of the printf function is the use(or not) of format strings.
In the code, just before the printf(buf)
the two random integers are initialized. So, when we are asked for our name, if we give the following input, %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d . This would give us the other numbers in the stack. On running this, we take the 3rd and the 9th value as rand1 and rand2. We add them and give the result as our guess.
So the flag is -actf{format_stringz_are_pre77y_sc4ry}.
4. Rop to the Top
This is an example of Return Oriented Programming (ROP) vulnerability which is basically buffer overflow to access the non-executable stack. To exploit it we can use the following set of commands-
We find that the address of the_top function is 0x8048db. Also the buffer size is 0x28.
So, the following command works for us-
./rop_to_the_top32 “$(python -c ‘print “A”*0x28 + “BBBB” + “\xdb\x84\x04\x08”’)”
We enter the character ‘A’ to fill the size of the buffer, “BBBB” to replace the current stack pointer (%ebx) followed by the address to which we wish to point to, here the address of the_top function.
Running the above command on the shell server gives us the flag.